RSS is a data format to rebroadcast (gather) content in a fast and up-to-date way, to a Web site user, and which allows finding that information that fits better to the users’ needs.

This format is very useful for those Web sites that update their content frequently.

This acronym is for the following standards:
- Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91)
- RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 y 1.0)
- Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)

Apart from these ones, there are other similar formats to gather content, such as ATOM (by Google)


RSS makes easier to access Web information that is updated frequently, so that the user can get in a fast and up-to-date way recent news about information they are interested in.

Any user can subscribe to a “feed”, and receive the last news sent to their adder or RSS reader, which will alert them when they have new information to read. This allows them to get the data they need fast and accurately, since they don’t have to check out the different sites that offer information they are interested in, when they do not even know if there are any changes in them. Using feeds and adders, we can choose if we want to visit the site where the information is created, for further information.

But RSS is not only to receive information others send, but it is also useful to show your own site’s updates to other Internet surfers. You need to create your own feed and update it frequently with news about the subject you choose. This way you will create interesting contents for other users who will receive information you offer through an adder or RSS reader.

This way, gathering process becomes a two-way circuit where everybody can access and create information easier and faster.

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